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About UTA Rideshare


To educate the community concerning alternative transportation options and promote those options that reduce single occupancy vehicle usage, improve mobility, enhance air quality, and conserve energy.

UTA encourages everyone to use transit! We offer a wide range of alternative transportation options that reduce single occupancy vehicle usage. What is 'single occupancy vehicle usage'?

It means is, one person, in one car, driving to a destination. And it can cause traffic tie-ups, bad air, and cost you money.

So, we have come up with a number of options that will help improve your mobility, improve the air quality and conserve energy. Take a look at some of our Ridesharing options. It can be simple! Biking, using our vanpool service, GREENbike or carpooling are all Ridesharing choices you can make. We can even rent you a bike locker on our property to help you secure your bike!

Take a look at all the options and we will be more than happy to assist and get you where you need to go.

Make your commute smarter and more environmentally friendly today.